Good Things Come in Small Packages

Growtime Vegetable Seeds Combo of Green & Yellow zucchini (2gm each, Pack of 2)

Green and Yellow Zucchini is one of the beautiful varieties of zucchini which is thin and medium in length and has beautiful yellow-colored skin. Zucchini Yellow Hybrid Seeds are very easy to grow in terrace gardens or home gardens.




  • Green & Yellow Zucchini is slightly sweeter and is similar to other zucchini only the difference in color. They are generally famous for adding to any dish or plate of salads and are perfect for decorating foods.
  • Where to grow: Balcony or terrace garden Sowing season: Mid-spring to Summer Seeds sowing depth: 0.5-1 inch Germination
  • Time: 7 to 14 days Germination temperature: 21-30°C Harvesting: 55-60 days from sowing seeds Plant vigor: Strong plant with long internodes
  • Water – As zucchini is a vine plant that needs 1 inch of daily water and soil should be moist but avoid overwatering.
  • Soil – Use well-drained and fertile soil with 6.0 to 7.5 ph for planting zucchini.
  • Sun – Zucchini require 6-8 hours of full sun every day.
  • Temperature – Zucchini plant grows fast in temperatures between 15-32℃.
    Common pests – Cucumber beetles, and squash bugs are the common pests found in zucchini. Bacterial wilt and blossom end rot and powdery mildew make foliage white, stunted, and wilted. Use neem oil to avoid these insects and pests.


Additional information

Weight 0.002 kg


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